Tuesday, June 7, 2011

6/07/2011 "Auburn 34 Miler"

Auburn Trail Runs 34 Miler

Number: 618
Place: 6th Overall, 5th in Males, 1st Age
Time: 6:16

Race Report

  • 34 miles is a lot different than 31 miles especially when the last 4.2 are an uphill climb.
  • Wear the least amount of clothes as possible when it's going to rain on you for 6 hours straight.
  • Running for 6 hours by yourself is a lot different than running with somebody else or having a friend to talk to or pace you at the end when you need to push through low points.
  • Breaking through walls (negatives) is possible. For some reason mine always come around mile 18 and last somewhere until around mile 24 or 25.
  • If you're hurt and not 100% don't run the race. There's no need to hurt yourself more.
  • My first go around with "K2" was a challenge, but I scaled it twice in less than 16:30. I don't understand how Jacob Rydman goes up and down "K2" like it's no big deal. He's a man beast and I have a ton of respect for him. I wish him the best of luck in his training for TRT!
  • Thankfully I DO NOT run with socks or else my day would have been miserable.
  • Auburn's trails are gorgeous. When running from "Overlook" to "No Hands" in the early morning with the fog, it was Jurassic Park like (at least that's what went through my mind). Also, from "Cool" back down to "No Hands" that first part is rocky, but could be extremely fun on a dry day, jumping off rocks and getting an adrenaline rush.
  • The course was sloppy, muddy, and wet.
  • It was nice to see Tyler Curley at the 29.7 mile aid station at "No Hands". It gave me a burst of energy to finally speak with someone close to me who understood where I was at and how I was feeling.
  • There were a few points where I wanted to stop and DNF, but I didn't. My competitive stubborn attitude is back and I love it.
  • If Jen Phipher signs up for another race I'm in and "chicks" me again I'm going to stop running Ultras. Hahaha Just Kidding. Mad props to her, she's a great local runner, and I hope she continues to kill it in the Ultra running world. I need to train harder. No excuses.
  • Lastly, I love running long distances. I don't think I will ever stop. It's the most exhilarating things I have ever done in my life. Finishing a race is the best feeling in the world.
"Right now excellence is doing something other people think is crazy" -NB

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